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Bobby, a war baby, did not look like an actual born Brooklyn guy.  He grew up mostly in California where the beaches and mountains have captured his heart.  He, like some people, never looked his age, and it may be that he has always taken young at heart.

Warm, welcoming and hospitable describe Bobby Skedsmo and his website,  "For me, coding the html has always been about having fun and being creative," says Bobby.  "It's also a very rewarding thing to do because when I code for my friends, I'm sharing my interest and experience with them through the Internet."

Bobby had a good life until he met Francine Lauer-Skedsmo who was his childhood sweetheart at the primary school at Berkeley, California where he had his first Valentine kiss with her.  They continued their education at the same school and university as good friends, and took different paths out in the world until 1996 when their hearts reignited at a social affair in Las Vegas and eventually got married.  They settle in the region of delta country near the San Francisco Bay.

Presently Bobby and Francine enjoy traveling and photographing.  They are blessed with an adorable Yorkshire Terrier dog.

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Bobby and Cine on a cruise to South America.
This picture was taken on the Chilean fjord cruise.  The volcano can be seen in the background.

Bobby and Francine bought a single-family house at the Sun City Grand retirement community in Surprise, Arizona.  They live back and forth from Pittsburg to Surprise each year.  It is a big blessing to have two homes.




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