Time: Meet at 8:30 am. Ride starts at 9 am.
Start Location: Front of Ferry Building in San Francisco on Market and Embarcadero Street
Directions: Take BART! Definitely, Absolutely do not drive! Get off at the Embarcadero BART Station. Go up to the street level and look in both directions. You will see the Ferry Building and Bay Bridge at the end of Market Street. Met us on the island that splits Embarcadero Street.
Distance: First portion is 23-mile long on the mainland. Second portion is 5 miles long on Angel Island. We will come back on the ferryboat.
Type of Bike: Any, expect tricycle
Ride Classification: Leisurely (up to 10 mph) to touring (10-13 mph) G5 Rate (easiest ride) G5 means that there is a section with at least a length of 300 meters and a grade of 3%, that means 1/3 of mile may be a little difficult for some of us.
Climb Rate: First portion is rated G5 (Easiest Ride) Maximum elevation 305 feet. Total gain 524 Feet. Second portion is rated G5. Maximum elevation is 314 feet. Total gain 587 feet.
About the Trails: This 23-mile ride is a two-portion bike ride. You can adapt it to fit your desires. You can do the first portion as a round trip if you like or you can take the ferryboat back to SF or do both portions and take ferryboat back to SF or do both portions and ride back to SF. Ferry to the Angel Island and ride around the island is optional.
Portion 1: San Francisco to Tiburon This one way 19.5-mile ride is the most popular ride in California, where you cruise across the Golden Gate Bridge and return by ferryboat to Pier 41. The views are spectacular along the Marin Headlands and out to sea.
Portion 2. Perimeter Road at Angel Island The 5.5-mile ride on Perimeter Road around Angel Island is probably the best ride for all ages in California. The views are spectacular at a series of lookouts across the bay to its landmarks, with easy side trips available to Camp Reynolds, Perles Beach, Battery Ledyard, East Garrison, Quarry Beach, North Garrison, and the Immigration Station. www.parks.ca.gov.
Information on transportation: At Tiburon, some of us will take a ferry to Angel Island then return to San Francisco, then from Angel Island to Pier 41 in San Francisco. Some of us will skip the Angel Island portion and just take the ferryboat straight to San Francisco from Tiburon. www.blueandgoldfleet.com. The ferryboat ride is $12.50 for adults, $7.50 for child and $7.50 for senior citizens. You can look up http://www.parks.ca.gov for more information on Angel Island.
Meal: At the end of the Tiburon route, there are many eateries near the ferry ramp, but the Guaymas Mexician Restaurant is the best choice. You can sit down in the back of the restuarnt for a spectacular view of the bay. Do not think about dining at the Caffe Acri.
Ride Leaders: David Peterson, dpete8947@aol.com; VP: 415-255-5805 or text 415-430-7558 with your name. Please confirm by the day before the date of event. No one left behind. Extreme temperatures or bad weather conditions may modify the route at the leader's discretion. Rain cancels. Assistant ride leaders are Bob Morrison and Bobby Skedsmo. They will have maps and ferry brochures.
Safety: Wearing a helmet is mandatory.
What to Bring: Spare tube, patch kit, tire irons, pump/CO2 inflators, multi-tool, water bottle, identification, medical card, cellular phone, and money for the ferryboat and lunch.
Before the Ride: Check the wheels (quick-release skewers are tightened correctly), inspect the tires for air pressure (with a floor pump's meter, not your thumb), test the brakes, lube the chain, and check the shifting.
Route Planner: Ethan Bernstein
Announcement Written by: Dave Peterson