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Calendar of Events

for Recreational Bikers

Hayward Shoreline Trail

Date:  Saturday, October 31, 2015.  Meet at 9:30 am.  Ride starts at 10:00 am

You may park your car at the Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center (4901 Breakwater Avenue, Hayward).  Get off the SR 92 at Clawiter Road before San Mateo Bridge.  Drive thru and get onto Breakwater Avenue until you reach the interpretive center to the West.

What to see:  Hayward Regional Shoreline follows the banks of San Francisco Bay.  It consists of 1,681 acres of salt, fresh, and brackish water marshes, seasonal wetlands and public trails.  After a stop for lunch at El Torito Restaurant, ride way back to the origin destination.  That will sum up to the total of 15.71 miles of ride.


Distance:  Approximately 15.71 miles out and back

Half Point:  Dine at El Torito Restaurant

Type of Bike:  Any

Ride Classification:  Easy and flat (up to 13 mph)

Climb Rate:  Gentle, relatively flat

What to bring:  Spare tubes, patch kit, tire irons, pump/CO2 inflators, multi-tool, water bottle, identification/money/medical card and phone.

Safety:  Wearing helmet is mandatory.

Ride Leader:  Bobby Skedsmo and Bob Morrison  Please confirm by email in several days in advance.  No one left behind.  Rain cancels.

Compiled by Bobby Skedsmo - Last updated: March 9, 2011