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Calendar of Events

for Road Bikers

Pleasanton-Livermore Tuscany Loop

Time:  Meet at 9:30 am.  Ride starts at 10:00 am

Location:  Tully's Coffee, 349 Main Street, Pleasanton (Old Town)

Miles:  40

Type of Bike:  Road

Ride Classification:  Moderate to Brisk (13-19 mph)

Climb Rate:  Moderate, total ascent is approximately 1,300 feet (maximum elevation 830 feet) Starting at Tully's Coffee, we ride through Pleasanton, climb into the vineyards, cruise through Livermore, roll over Dublin hills and finish flat back towards Pleasanton.  It goes through some surprisingly scenic, rural areas. Regroups at major turns.

Ride Leader:  Rory Osbrink;  Please confirm by email by Feb. 22.  No one left behind.  Extreme temperatures or fog conditions may modify the route at the leader's discretion.  Rain cancels.

Safety:  Wearing helmet is mandatory.

What to bring:  Spare tubes, patch kit, tire irons, pump/CO2 inflators, multi-tool, water bottle, identification/money/medical card and phone.

Route Planner:  Ethan Bernstein